Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Gotta Sing My Own Song- 1

by Tasleem

Gotta sing my own song
Been tongue-tied for too long.
They said silence brings calm
but this fire in me is strong.
Can't keep quiet anymore
This heart wants to soar.

Been through tears and fears
And oh, those wonder years.
If only you could hear
the melodies in my mind.

Memories of good old times
Endless days of sunshine.
When life was about Valentines,
Sunday brunches, and red wine.

Gotta sing my own song
Been tongue-tied for too long.
They said silence brings calm,
but the fire in me is strong.
Can't keep quiet anymore.
This heart's ready to soar.

There are chords to be strung,
For all the love stories begun.
Tales needing to be told
Of nights lonely and cold.
Chasing boys at all cost,
Pining over relationships lost.

Or what about the sweet victories?
When success seemed like such a breeze.
The world, that oyster, was all mine.
You bet this girl did shine!

Gotta sing my own song
Been tongue-tied too long.
They said silence brings calm.
But the fire in me is strong.
Won't keep quiet anymore.
What's this reticence for?

My lyrical rhymes
would highlight the signs.
No, not the billboard kind.
But those deep and divine.
Like pages flipping to that exact line.
which at the time, I may have missed,
but in contemplation, reminisce
at how perfectly it all exists.

Each person, each face,
strategically placed
along my path.
Not by chance
but meant-to-be's.
Wanna to tell these tales of destiny.

So I'm singing my song
Been tongue-tied for too long.
They said silence brings calm
But this fire in me is strong.
Can't stay quiet no more.
This soul's ready to roar.

Been letting other voices fill my head,
Gonna find my own voice instead.
They say move to the beat of your own drum.
I say go ahead, sing your own song

Gonna keep singing my song
You can hum along
Gonna keep singing my song
Just strum along
Gonna keep singing my song
It's been far too long. ©

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