Monday, September 27, 2010

Poetry as Meditation

"One of the gems I unearthed in a choice secondhand-book haunt was the October 1925 issue of Good Housekeeping. In it was a novel remedy for weariness called 'The Poetry Cure.' It suggested that when we are frazzled, ruminating on a line or a stanza of poetry can induce a sense of serenity. This suggestion led me to a marvelous form of meditation, especially if I think I don't have twenty minutes to sit down or take a walk...
our specific lives can mirror the universal experience. Nowhere is this more passionately expressed than in poetry.
... Read one poem a day. Write a favorite verse from it on a card and commit it to memory. Poetry possesses many secrets just waiting to be revealed to patient seekers of truth. I love to meditate on a line just before drifting off to sleep.
...Explore writing your own poems. ... If you have lived all your life hearing another voice in your heart, maybe it's time to channel her.
...Trust that you will discover, as did the Russian-born writer Anzia Yezierska, that 'The real thing creates its own poetry.'"

- Sarah Ban Breathnach- in her August 22nd entry in Simple Abundance

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